
Terrorist opponent, Vice Governor of East Java Invite Increase Togetherness And Respect Differences East Java Deputy Governor Saifullah Yusuf invites people to improve togetherness associated with terror that occurred in Jakarta. "We mourn, we are sad, we are angry. But these events actually strengthen our togetherness, both among Christians and among people of other religions ", he said. According to him, as humans we must together because basically man can not live alone. So that togetherness is preserved and maintained, then as much as possible of our being human that is always close to God. He calls this concept with Spiritual Happiness, which is close to the living God, the life of faith, God's command to execute well, and always feel watched God. "Close to God will shine in everyday life, one of them by making us always spread kindness. Kindness is the power of the believers, "he said. He believes that today there are still many Indonesian people are good. "When good people come together and together, it will be a great family, kindness was eventually wins", she asked with enthusiasm. Gus Ipul also agree to the words of the President that the Indonesian people should not be defeated by terror, should not give in to evil actions. "We must strive to become one family, one nation and live together in the shade of God," he said. That night, Gus Ipul look vibrant in spreading the values of pluralism. He talked a lot about the importance of looking at the differences in a positive way, "God could have created us equal, but it is the desire of God created us so diverse that these differences must be addressed properly by building unity", he explained. He added that the founders did not choose Indonesia as the state religion and the secular state but a middle way as the Pancasila state. "The middle way is taken as the respect for difference. Well, in honor of this distinction is one of the foundations on which to build ", he explained. He invites people to always cultivate kindness, tolerance, respect for differences and love Indonesia for the future benefit of our children and grandchildren someday. In the middle of his speech, Gus Ipul took invite the audience to sing Indonesia Heritage. The procession was made the atmosphere becomes solemn and sacred. Closing his speech, he brings the Christmas celebration as a moment of reflection momentum and improve the quality of spiritual faith. Meanwhile, Kasdam V Brawijaya, Brigadier General Joppye Wayangkau Onesimus delivered, this christmas momentum to strengthen the spiritual life. He invites Army personnel, police, and communities to work together to realize life in East Java safe, serene, and peaceful. "Let religious leaders, community leaders formed a peaceful life, full of love, in order to strengthen national unity. In situations like this, I invite us all to fortify themselves from incitement irresponsible parties that could damage the apparatus and public relations "he said. (Yudhie)

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