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Vice Governor of East Java Coffee Launches Program GPT and Gus Ipul
portaltiga.com: The number of events that befall the community, making East Java Deputy Governor Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) moved launched Neighbor Care Movement (GPT) were initiated with political analyst EEP Saefullah Fatah.
The launch of the program is packaged in the show "Coffee Quality" with reporters at the foodcourt Urip Sumoharjo, Surabaya, Thursday (11/2). On that occasion, Gus Ipul also launched coffee products Gus Ipul and distributed free to the public.
"The launch of GPT and coffee Gus this Ipul Ndak, ndak there (to do with the East Java Election 2018," he told reporters on the sidelines of socialization firm GPT program in Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia, Thursday (11/2).
According to him, the idea of GPT digagasnya together EEP, there is no relationship or interest in local elections (elections) Jatim 2018. The idea was, purely because of his concern over the current state of society.
Is GPT socialization is also used to boost the popularity, the former Chairman of GP Ansor was again denied. "There is no sound check. ' Also no intention of cooperating with EEP for the sake of the elections, "he said.
Explained, application-based program with the name of this neighbor, has a working agenda among others, to build awareness of neighbors, build strength pertetanggaan, expand opportunity and puts forward through pertetanggaan pertetanggaan through social media called neighbors
"This application, can didownlod or downloaded for free via mobile phone, tablet, laptop and home computer. One of the agenda utilize medsos (social media) is, exploring the possibility of carrying out a population census digitally or e-Census, also called census based digital neighborhoods, "he said.
Officially, said Gus Ipul, application-based program will be launched on 13 February in Sidoarjo. The shape, such as a closed group Facebook (FB), or WatsApp, only accessible only to members.
Application medsos: The neighbor's, a specially designed joint EEP Polmark Indonesia, which is engaged in the field of political consulting and marketing research, and business software solution (the field of information and communication technology).
"This is different from the other medsos, applications are close neighbors trying to get closer and closer distance. Then, Tetangg trying to bridge the vent with real action, keep connected with msalah continues to grow," he said
With the application of Neighbors, medsos will connect residents via a communication tool that is able to break through the wall of separation, which had occurred in the relationship pertetanggaan. "The neighbors will also connect residents with the RT / RW, as well as leaders of villages / wards and district," he said.
Later, in the application of this neighbor, admins will be controlled by the Chairman of RT members are local residents. Similarly, if adminnya local village chief, then members are RT-RT in the village. "If the district head admin, members-Head of the village headman, so on until the regents and the governor," he added.
As known, Gus Ipul will again advanced in East Java Election 2018. After two periods accompany the Governor Soekarwo, Gus Ipul want to go back ahead. This time, not as a representative, but will be a candidate for governor in the province.
To boost popularitsnya, Gus Ipul start 'sound check', with the launch of Neighbor Care Movement program. Additionally,Gus Ipul also make coffee products Gus Ipul, free of charge, to the public.
Besides Gus Ipul, still no name figures in East Java, which have sprung up. Such as, the name of the Minister of Social (Social Affairs) Khofifah Indar Parawansah, members of the House of Representatives of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) Hasan Aminuddin, and Chairman of the PKB East Java, Abdul Halim Iskandar.
Not to be outdone, the name of Banyuwangi regent elected, Abdullah Azwar Anas also touted the elections will go forward in East Java in 2018, including the name of the mayor of Surabaya elected, Tri Rismaharini, which is also rumored to be advanced in the Jakarta gubernatorial election against Tjahaja Basuki Purnama or Ahok. (Bmw)